jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018

Summer plans

The summer is near. So, it´s time for prepare the vacations places. I´ve always wanted to know Brazil, especially Río de Janeiro. I would like to know every places of that town and to participate of Río´s Festival.

In that sense is that I would like to go with friends and to enjoy together all things that gives the place. Also, I would love to visit the beaches and tourist places.

                                                             I would to know Brazil

But, for this summer I won´t can to comply my dream of to know Brazil. It is because I will start to work in january for Radio Biobío, in sports area.

Is true that I would like to travel to any place in summer and to enjoy the time without university, but at same time I´m very happy of to begin a new stage in my life, like is the professional developing.

The job is about the sports in general, so I will report, during six days at the week, differents sports events along of the city. I´m excited because it will be my firts experience like journalist and I think that will be fine because I love the sports and the work in radio too.

The job, like I´ve said, will begin in january and will finish in march, so I won´t have free time along summer. Also, I will have only one day free on the week, so I think that I will be very tired with the requirement.

But, like I said, I´m happy with the oportunity and I´m ready to sacrifice my vacations.

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