jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

English challenges

Hello everyone. Today I´m going to speak about my experience with english at university. At same time, I would like to talk about my flawas in this subject.

For start, I must to say that I´ve subject of english all my life. So, for me wasn´t difficult to understand the class when I arrived at the university. In that sense, I hope that I´m very strong with the reading in english, that is the thing that most is teached here.

Too, I like writing, because I think that is very important for the developing of my career. In that sense, obviously the blogs have been very useful. 

                                                      Is very important to learn english

Also I´m clear that I´ve a lot flaws in my knowledge of english. For example I´m not very good with speaking because I don´t practice a lot. It is like it because in my day to day, with my family or friends, I always speak in spanish. I feel that my english pronunciation could be better if I would more.

Another thing that I think that I would can to be better is the listening. Usually, I don´t understand when two people or more are speaking about any them. I´m sure that this is because I´m not used to listen speakings in english. So, I hope that the key for to be better is to start to listen more speakings watching more movies, listening music in english, etc.

But, in summary, I feel that I´ve learnt a lot of english at university. Obviously, my level would can to be better, and for that, I think that would can to do any course of this subject in any specialized institute.

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018

Changes in my programme study

Hello everyone. Today, I´m going to talk about the changes that I would like to do in my programme study of my career that is Journalism. For start, I must to say that I love my career, I feel that the university gives the chance of developing a lot and in that sense, my classmates and me have the chance of to learnt a lot things in differents thems.

But, like all, the career has wrongs. Or at less I hope that. In first place, I think that the teach of english is awful. I would prefer that the class would have more times in the week. Also is them of the chairs, because the most of this are bored and I think that it would can be more funny.

                                                              Journalism is my career

At same time, I don´t like the subjects that we have in common with the career of Cine, because I hope that these aren´t relevants in the developing of our profession. Maybe, these subjects are very bored too. 

Another thing that I would change is the technology formation. At same that happen with English, I think that the ateach is very poor. I would like that we have a computation class because I hope that with that who study Journalism would can more tools for the developing of the profession.

Is for all this that I would like have the chance of travel abroad for to learnt more things that this university can to teach me and that I think is important to make well my profession.

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

Post 6/ Postgraduate studies

Always I´ve been interested in to learn more about my career. I study Journalism since three years ago and I´m excited because I will graduate in two years. I´m happy because even, I´m going to start to work like journalist in next january, in sports area of Radio Biobío.

But, like I said, I would love to learnt more about my profession, and for that, I feel that I should to go to abroad. I feel that the sports jornalism can give me the chance of develop my skills and to know the thinking about journalism that has another countries or towns.

So, I can conclude that the sports journalism can give me the oportunity of to travel around the world and to know and to learnt about the culture about jornalism in that places for to perfect my professional formation.

                   Sports Journalism can give me the chance of to learn more about the profession

In that sense is that I would love to stay in England for that. Is say this because I like the aplication of the sports journalism in that country and I feel that if I put of my part and study a lot, I will learnt a lot.

And is more, if all is fine, I don´t discard to stay in any country that give me the chance of develop me professionally. At present, I would be happy if the country is England, for all that I said.

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018

Summer plans

The summer is near. So, it´s time for prepare the vacations places. I´ve always wanted to know Brazil, especially Río de Janeiro. I would like to know every places of that town and to participate of Río´s Festival.

In that sense is that I would like to go with friends and to enjoy together all things that gives the place. Also, I would love to visit the beaches and tourist places.

                                                             I would to know Brazil

But, for this summer I won´t can to comply my dream of to know Brazil. It is because I will start to work in january for Radio Biobío, in sports area.

Is true that I would like to travel to any place in summer and to enjoy the time without university, but at same time I´m very happy of to begin a new stage in my life, like is the professional developing.

The job is about the sports in general, so I will report, during six days at the week, differents sports events along of the city. I´m excited because it will be my firts experience like journalist and I think that will be fine because I love the sports and the work in radio too.

The job, like I´ve said, will begin in january and will finish in march, so I won´t have free time along summer. Also, I will have only one day free on the week, so I think that I will be very tired with the requirement.

But, like I said, I´m happy with the oportunity and I´m ready to sacrifice my vacations.